Using Signage to Reach Remote Workers

Using Appspace to Publish Content to the Web

Follow the instructions below to publish an Appspace channel to the web, making the channel viewable to the public through a URL on a browser:

  1. Log in to the Appspace console.
  2. Navigate to Channels from the Appspace menu, and select the desired channel you wish to publish.
  3. Select the Publish tab, and click the Web sub-tab.
  4. Click the Publish to the Web button.

  5. Click the Copy button of either URL Link or Embed code.
  6. If you chose:
    • Link: Share the link, or paste the link on a browser to view the channel.
    • Embed: Insert the iFrame code into an existing HTML page, for easy viewing in an intranet.

  7. Your channel is ready for public access. Anyone with the URL may view the channels.
  8. Once the channel is no longer needed to be publicly available, you may click on the Stop Publishing button to stop sharing, and to save bandwidth utilization.