Department for education
Research shows that audio and visual solutions can enhance the teaching environment as it can creating a more exciting way of bringing lessons to life and help to teach more effectively, which can increase student engagement with the teacher and with the lessons, this can be because our society has become technology driven and children are becoming more aware of the benefits of using technology. AVM Solutions UK wants to help provide products which can help with the improvement of communication in everyday life.
Projects which have new builds are able to start with a blank canvas which means they are able to pre design the layout of the room, here at AVM a new build means we can work with the organisation to implement a design so we can bring the learning process to life with our effective AV solutions. Although and existing building will not have the luxury of a blank canvas, AVM prides itself on still trying to provide what is best for you, AVM are able to take an existing space and integrate an AV solution in the most effective way possible to create a more creative and dynamic environment.
For work within the educational sector we can provide interactive whiteboards, school hall audio systems, sensory rooms, smart LED touch displays. Video projector and audio and wireless presentations, from a case we have recently worked on we provided a presentation system which provided the school a way to bring their teaching to life and allowed them to be able to hold various events through the use of the system giving them a new found freedom for holding these events.
For instance, we installed a presentation system which included a video wall for the school Tring school, their initial requirement was to replace their big projector their main hall. This helped bring their school forward and able to hold large events.